Bookish Wonders

June Reading Wrap Up | 2021

Welcome! This is my very late June Reading Wrap Up. I read 4 books in the month of June, and I enjoyed everything I read!


This was a sequel to a fantasy/sci-fic duology. It was much more enjoyable than the first book, but I liked both of them! This was a f|f romance, but the story was not entirely focused on the romance, which was fine with me. It had an epic ending, I was hoping it would have. I would describe this duology has “medium” fantasy, and comfortably slow paced. If you’re wanting to introduce yourself to fantasy reads, or get back into after a long time, I highly recommend this low commitment series.
I read these as physical hardcover books, from my TBR pile!

I read this after finishing The Folk of the Air trilogy. It was a very quick read, only took me a couple hours. It was fun, and refreshing to see the story of The Cruel Prince from a side character’s perspective. I also liked learning more about Taryn, and spending some time with her. She goes “off screen” for awhile during a part of the series, so this was nice to know what was going on while she was gone.
I read this as an audiobook off of the Libby app (for free)!

I read this right after I read THE LOST SISTERS, and I was not disappointed. This story hops all over the place, but it technically takes place after THE QUEEN OF NOTHING. So, don’t read this if you haven’t read the entire Folk of the Air trilogy first.
It was nice to be in Cardan’s head. He’s a character you remember later, and one I would read about for many other books. I love a conflicted bad boy with power! His story was fun, face paced, and it was great to get a glimpse of what life was like after THE QUEEN OF NOTHING for our main cast of characters.
I read this as an audiobook off of the Libby app (for free)!

So, this is the book that got me on my current “fluffy rom com” kick. I don’t normally read these types of books, but my sister-in-law, Holly, really wanted me to read this. This is one of her favorite book series of all time. I picked this up on a whim one morning, because I was feeling myself fall into slump. Most of my books on my TBR are fantasy books, so I guess I just wanted something a little different. I read this so quickly! I loved it so much!
This book was cute, charming, fluffy, funny, and so easy to get captivated by! You are rooting for Elle from the beginning, and it was so refreshing to pick this Cinderella re-telling up. I was thrilled when I learned it was a series! I’ve already read the second book, but I’ll get more into that with my July Wrap Up.
I read this as an eBook off of the Libby app (for free)!

That’s all I got for the month of June! I had a successful reading month, and writing this at the end of July – I can confidently say I am having/had a VERY successful reading month then as well (but more on that later!). Thank you for stopping by to see what books I dived into. I’ll see you on my next post! Happy Reading!